Confidentiality and Records
What we talk about in the sessions is strictly confidential with the following qualifications:
• I discuss my work with a supervisor. However, personal details will not be disclosed.
• With your prior informed consent, I may contact other health professionals.
• I may need to break confidentiality if I believe that there is a serious risk of harm to you or others, or in compliance with legal requirements.
Privacy Policy
I will only hold personal data about you that I deem relevant to our work: this will be in computer format ("soft copy") which is stored in a password-protected format. I will also hold personal data about your nominated next-of-kin or emergency contact, if provided by you, but will neither disclose this fact, nor the fact that I am (or have been) working with you to that nominated person unless I believe there is a risk of serious harm to you or others, or in compliance with legal requirements. You have a right to request access to data that I hold on you.
I will ordinarily retain the data for a period of seven years from the date of collection in order to protect my professional interests.
If you are unsure about any data protection or confidentiality issues in our work, please discuss these with me before you decide to book a session with me.